We’ve loved having the Rassi’s a part of our Solid Rock family! It was such fun learning more about them – and we hope you love learning more as well. Tell us a little about your family! Caleb and I…

We’ve loved having the Rassi’s a part of our Solid Rock family! It was such fun learning more about them – and we hope you love learning more as well. Tell us a little about your family! Caleb and I…
About two months ago, a parent of Solid Rock reached out to Maria asking about more details of the renovation process and the money we needed to renovate the remainder of the building to suit our needs in the next…
Continuing teacher education is important to us at Solid Rock. To keep up to date with our teacher’s teaching licenses they must have so many hours of professional development. It has been a challenge to give these teachers the professional…
We decided it was time to introduce the new families who joined us this School year! We want to welcome the Kingdon family to our Solid Rock community! Tell us a little about your family. Joe and I met late…
“According to the Merriam-Webster-Webster dictionary, there are around 470,000 entries within the English language. Compare this with the Spanish language’s reported number of words, around 93,000.”(Findel-international.com) The English language is very complex and there are a lot of words for children to learn. This is…
Have you heard about our Fall Fundraiser – Expo on 4th? Everyone is invited – which means you are too! Mark your calendars for October 20th at Solid Rock school! Two local gospel groups will be singing and playing instruments…
If you are like me, 3:15 PM – 5:15 PM is the quickest and slowest time of the day at the same time. I don’t know how time works like that… but it does. I like to have my meals…
We all have 24 hours in a day. As a mom, it is challenging to manage our time with so many distractions throughout the day. Here are a few good tips that I live by! 1. Organization. Use a planner!…