Deep Roots Bible

One of the questions we ask our teachers during their first interview is “How do you integrate the Biblical worldview in everything you teach, from the beginning of the day to the end, and everything in between?” Miss LaDage, coming from Faith Academy in Indiana, said in her interview that Deep Roots Bible curriculum helped her feel confident in teaching about a Biblical worldview. Deep Roots made everything that she taught the students from the beginning of the day to the end relate back to the Bible. 

Soon after that we went through the Deep Roots curriculum together and noted everything it had to offer. From the mission statement that aligns perfectly with Solid Rock, to the scope and sequence, to the Character traits, to the weekly memory verses, we knew Deep Roots needed to be incorporated into the Solid Rock curriculum. 

“DeepRoots is dedicated to equipping students with a biblical worldview by helping them realize the truth of God’s design for human beings. Studying worldview in conjunction with apologetics, students can grow more confident in Christ. They will be able to care for other people by answering their objections to Christianity and offering them reasons that support the truth.” – Deep Roots

We love that Deep Roots’ goal is to bring the Bible to life with real maps of where Bible stories took place, key phases to help students remember God’s Truth (Self Control is the Goal!), and real life application. Kindergarteners start with a survey of the Bible, studying each main Bible story for a week. The 1st and 2nd graders, just this school year, are studying Creation to the Promised Land. The 3rd and 4th graders are studying the Gospels. Each grade conducts a 1 week study, twice a year on “How to study your Bible”, along with a few holiday week units for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter. 

The most important thing we can do for our children is equip them to withstand the wiles of the devil. I pray that teaching each student God’s truth, discernment, and a Biblical worldview will prepare them to begin their own walk with Christ, and be able to defend their faith with confidence.