It’s time for all things Red, White, and Blue! Cue in songs like God Bless America, America the Beautiful, and The Star Spangled Banner and cue in words such as hot, sweaty, sunny, iced lemonade, watermelon, and brats. Have you…

It’s time for all things Red, White, and Blue! Cue in songs like God Bless America, America the Beautiful, and The Star Spangled Banner and cue in words such as hot, sweaty, sunny, iced lemonade, watermelon, and brats. Have you…
On average, 20-30% of a child’s reading and math skills are lost over the summer. (Downey, et al (2004)). OUCH. What can we do to help this percentage go down? You may be thinking: workbooks, more school, drilling math facts…